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Maggie: You haven't forgotten about our holiday, have you, Jim?

Jim: No, of course not, dear.

Maggie: And you still want us to go abroad, don't you?

Jim: I suppose so.

Maggie: Well then, I met Jane today and she 1came up with 2a perfectly terrific idea. Robert is going to sell his scooter and buy a second-hand car and she wants to know whether we'll join them on 3a tour of the Continent. It is a marvelous idea, isn't it?

Jim: I daresay it is.

Maggie: They were thinking of driving to Moscow, via Poland. If we share the cost of petrol between the four of us, it won’t be too expensive, will it?

Jim: I shouldn’t think so.

Maggie: Besides, we can take tents and camp. They've opened 4camping-sites in this year, haven't they?

Jim: 5Now you mention it, I believe they have.

Maggie: We'll be able to get 6visas and things quite easily, won't we?

Jim: I should think so.

Maggie: 7We'll have a wonderful time. And after all, it is very important 8to get to know other countries, isn't it?

Jim: I suppose it is.

Maggie: We must stop in Warsaw on the way. You remember that film on TV showing the tremendous rebuilding they've done there since the war. 9That should be worth seeing, shouldn't it?

Jim: I expect so.

Maggie: Jim! 10You're being very lukewarm about the whole thing. Do try and show a bit more enthusiasm. You want to go abroad this summer, don't you?


I wish you'd make up your mind

Jim: Well, I do, Maggie, but 11I wish you'd make up your mind. First it was the Balearic Islands, then a cruise round the Norwe­gian fjords, then camping in Corsica, and now you come up with this idea about Moscow. I expect you only want to go there 12so that you can book a trip to the moon.

Maggie: Jim, don't you think you're being unfair? After all, I'm only doing my best 13to fix up an interesting holiday for us, and I really think this latest idea is the best one of all.

Jim: Well, it's not so bad, I suppose. 14You'd better invite Robert and Jane 15round one day, so that we can 16talk the whole thing over with them.

Maggie: Oh, that's an idea! Jim, I'll ask them for Sunday.

Jim: And 17you won't change your mind again, will you, Maggie?

Maggie: Well... I don't suppose so. But 18you never know.



                                                            СЦЕНКА 12


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