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Maggie (calls out loudly): Jim, 1what are you doing in there? You're making a terrible noise.

Jim: I'm mending the larder shelf. You asked me to do it this morning. You know it's always falling down.

Maggie: Can't you 2leave it till later? I'm trying to listen to the radio.

Jim: 3I won't be a moment now. I'm just hammering in the last nail. Are you listening to the 4Elgar concert?

Maggie: No, that's later. It's 5"Viewpoint" now. 6Carol Reed is talking 7about the Polish Cinema (telephone rings). Hallo, 8Maggie Brown speaking. Oh, hallo Jane! Can you speak a little louder? 9Jim is hammering away in the larder and I can't hear you (short pause). I'm glad you rang, Jane. Are you doing any­thing this evening? Good. Then come and 10keep me company.

Jim: Who are you talking to, Maggie?

Maggie: It's Jane. 11She's coming round this evening. Yes, I'll be alone, Jane. Jim is going to his 12evening class tonight. He's taking a course in carpentry. He's always 13taking bits of furni­ture to pieces nowadays, and trying to 14put them together again. Well, 15see you at seven then. 16Bye, Jane.

Jim: 17There, 18that's the shelf seen to. You see, this car­pentry course is proving very useful 19after all, 20I say, Maggie, are we having supper soon? I must leave about seven.

Maggie: I'm just 21putting the kettle on. What about scrambled eggs on toast?

Jim: 22Sounds fine.

Maggie: Where are the eggs, Jim? You've moved everything in the larder and I can't find them.

Jim: I think I put them on the shelf (loud crash). Good hea­vens! What's happening 23in there?

Maggie: Just the shelf again, and all the eggs as well this time. The carpentry course is proving very useful, isn't it?



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